Thursday, December 17, 2009

Heirloom-Organic Plants That Heal

Echinacea Angustifolia
Americans may have used echinacea for more than 400 years to treat infections and wounds and as a general "cure-all." Today, people use echinacea to shorten the duration of the common cold and flu and reduce symptoms, such as sore throat (pharyngitis), cough, and fever. Many herbalists also recommend echinacea to help boost the immune system and help the body fight infections. Echinacea is well known for its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Fennel has through history been considered an appetite depressant, and as such, a weight loss aid. Recommended a Tea to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers. Menopausal women may want to try it to ease the associated symptoms. Fennel Teas, or Fennel Water have been used throughout history to break up kidney stones, quiet hiccups, prevent nausea, aid digestion, prevent gout, purify the liver, reverse alcohol damage to the liver, and treat jaundice. For babies, it is said to to relieve colic and flatulence, and to expel worms. It may be effective when used along with conventional treatments in prostate cancer (and it is definitely worth trying, but consult with your doctor first). The tea can also be gargled as a breath freshener and applied as an eye wash. Alternatively, the leaves can be dried, pulverized into a powder, and made into Capsules for when it's not convenient to utilize a tea.

Used for centuries in European folk medicine as a remedy for headaches, arthritis, and fevers. The term feverfew is adapted from the Latin word febrifugia or "fever reducer."Feverfew is also used to treat menstrual irregularities, labor difficulties, skin conditions, stomach aches, and asthma.

Lavender has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy, and does indeed appear to have antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive, and last but certainly not least - anti-depressant properties. Internally, Lavender is believed to be of benefit for a multitude of problems, including stress, anxiety, exhaustion, irritability, headaches, migraines, insomnia, depression, colds, digestion, flatulence, upset stomach, liver and gallbladder problems, nervousness, loss of appetite, and as a breath freshener and mouthwash. Inhaling the essential oil in some cases has been reported to work as well as narcotics for inducing relaxation and sleep, easing symptoms of depression, and reducing headache pain.

Mullein has been used as an alternative medicine for centuries, and in many countries throughout the world, the value of Mullein as a proven medicinal herb is now backed by scientific evidence. Research indicates uses as analgesic, antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral, bacteristat, cardio-depressant, estrogenic, fungicide, hypnotic, sedative and pesticide are valid.

Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. Today, many people use it to treat urinary problems during the early stages of an enlarged prostate (called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), for urinary tract infections, for hay fever (allergic rhinitis), or in compresses or creams for treating joint pain, sprains and strains, tendonitis, and insect bites.

Valerian is a central nervous system relaxer, and as such has been used as a calming sleep aid for over 1,000 years. When taken in the proper dosage, Valerian can induce restful sleep without grogginess the next morning, unlike prescription drugs that mimic it's properties, such as Valium. It is an effective stress reducer, and has benefit in cases of nervous tension, depression, irritability, hysteria, panic, anxiety, fear, stomach cramping, indigestion due to nervousness, delusions, exhaustion, and, of course, nervous sleeplessness. It also appears to have real benefits in cases of sciatica, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, shingles, and peripheral neuropathy, including numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and pain in the extremities.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bayer Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control

EXTRACT: Bayer has admitted it has been unable to control the spread of its genetically-engineered organisms despite 'the best practices [to stop contamination]'(1). It shows that all outdoors field trials or commercial growing of GE crops must be stopped before our crops are irreversibly contaminated.
$2 million US dollar verdict against Bayer confirms company's liability for an uncontrollable technology

Greenpeace welcomes the United States federal jury ruling on 4 December 2009 that Bayer CropScience LP must pay $2 million US dollars to two Missouri farmers after their rice crop was contaminated with an experimental variety of rice that the company was testing in 2006.

This verdict confirms that the responsibility for the consequences of GE (genetic engineering) contamination rests with the company that releases GE crops.

Bayer has admitted it has been unable to control the spread of its genetically-engineered organisms despite 'the best practices [to stop contamination]'(1). It shows that all outdoors field trials or commercial growing of GE crops must be stopped before our crops are irreversibly contaminated.

A report prepared for Greenpeace International concluded that the total costs incurred throughout the world as a result of the contamination are estimated to range from $741 million to $1.285 billion US dollars.(2) The verdict indicates that Bayer is liable for what could turn out to be a large proportion of these costs, as it awards damages in the first two of more than 1,000 currently pending lawsuits. The decision must be used to support all claims for losses incurred by other US farmers whose crops have suffered from GE contamination.

(1) Bayers Defense lawyer, Mark Ferguson as reported in Harris, A. 2009.
Bayer Blamed at Trial for Crops 'Contaminated' by Modified Rice. Bloomberg News 4th November 2009, available at:

(2) E.N. Blue (2007) Risky Business. Economic and regulatory impacts from the unintended release of genetically engineered rice varieties into the rice merchandising system of the US. Report prepared for Greenpeace International, available online at

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mental Treatment

Mental Treatment

This is, without a doubt, one of the darker comics in the CounterThink collection. But it’s also very important to cover. The history of Big Pharma is traced right back to Nazi Germany, where scientists working for Bayer were running inhumane medical experiments on Jewish prisoners. I include photos and historical documentation in my book, Natural Health Solutions, and the conspiracy to keep you from knowing about them.

For example, IG Farben, which committed numerous crimes against humanity and was charged with enslavement, torture and extermination of prisoners, was dissolved by the Nuremberg War Tribunal and split into three companies:

* Bayer
* Hoechst (now Aventis)

… all three of which are now major pharmaceutical companies.

Carl Wurster served as chairman of the board for BASF through 1974. During WWII, he was on the board of the company that manufactured Zyklon-B gas.

Helmut Kohl, the former chancellor of Germany for 16 years, was a paid lobbyist for the German pharmaceutical and chemical industries, with roots tracing back to IG Farben and the Nazi regime.

The U.S. pharmaceutical industry that exists today is a direct extension of the Nazi Germany pharmaceutical industry, where prisoners were routinely used for medical experiments, medical ethics were grossly violated, and human beings were considered “resources” for medical experiments testing new synthetic chemicals (later to become called “prescription drugs”).

About Bayer’s involvement in these medical experiments, a former Auschwitz prisoner testified on the record:

“There was a large ward of tuberculars on block 20. The Bayer Company sent medications in unmarked and unnamed ampoules. The tuberculars were injected with this. These unfortunate people were never killed in the gas chambers. One only had to wait for them to die, which did not take long… 150 Jewish women that had been brought from the camp attendant by Bayer… served for experiments with unknown hormonal preparations.”

Read my book, Natural Health Solutions, and the conspiracy to keep you from knowing about them, to learn even more shocking details about the history of the pharmaceutical industry. See pages 142 – 152 for shocking details and historical evidence.

The real history of Big Pharma is so dark and terrifying that every time I see an ad for the Bayer company, I can’t help seeing images of emaciated female prisoners, starved to the bone, being used as guinea pigs for deadly medical experiments executed in concentration camps.

Little has changed since then, in my opinion. Drug companies still use the population as guinea pigs, but they disguise it as “evidence-based medicine.” They still kill 100,000+ Americans each year (almost as if they had declared war on the American people), but they disguise it as “treatment.” They still seek to bankrupt the people and siphon off profits from national economies, but they call it “investment.” It’s the same scam as IG Farben, just prettied up to look more palatable to modern doctors, consumers and journalists.

The history of modern psychiatry
This comic focuses on psychiatric “treatment” using synthetic chemicals. The history of psychiatry is absolutely horrifying. Visit the Citizens’ Commission on Humans Rights to learn the truth about psychiatry and the “mental health” agenda. They have an absolutely jaw-dropping video documentary, too, called, “PSCHIATRY: An industry of death” that will leave you breathless, if not downright nauseated.

Today, mental disorders are invented and marketed as “diseases” in order to push psychotropic drugs onto children, adults, senior citizens and even infants as young as one year old. Read our coverage of this topic at

The toughest part about creating this comic was getting the little Nazi symbols onto the “T” in Ritalin and the “Z” in Prozac, without making the letters look like other letters. It’s harder than you might think. Dan and I had to go back and forth several times to get that little detail right.

Some people tell me that if I want these comics to be accepted by the mainstream, I shouldn’t bring up Nazi Germany. Hogwash. Part of my mission is to tell the truth about topics that matter, including the drugging of our nation’s children by overzealous (and extremely dangerous) psychiatrists who are little more than front men for Big Pharma, an industry of death and profit. In America today, we are still prisoners under a system of monopoly medicine, where corrupt government regulators and evil corporate CEOs unleash dangerous, deadly chemicals upon the general public after receiving FDA approvals based on blatant scientific fraud.

In six decades, very little has actually changed. In fact, there’s still a war being waged — a war against the American people, masterminded and fought by the FDA, the AMA and drug companies, all of which, in my opinion, aim to keep the American people enslaved, diseased, and prisoners to a system of medicine that will never make them healthy.

A diseased, drugged-up population is far easier to control, of course. And it’s brilliantly simple to extract earnings and economic productivity from the population if you can convince them all that they’re “diseased” and need “treatment” for any number of fictitious medical conditions that were simply dreamed up, hyped and marketed by Big Pharma.

CounterThink cartoons graciously contributed
by Mike Adams and Dan Berger of