Monday, July 26, 2010

Science: From the BBC:
Scientists and Sex... what Women want.... Turning the tables on women... The Ace Men have...

Date Posted: Sunday 25-Jul-2010

It is interesting when Scientists start digging into PEOPLE, the kinds of things they discover about us.

I was watching a BBC documentary about sex some months ago. The host was a Professor. He wore thick rimmed glasses and had a moustache. Then they carried out some experiments and explained the results of other experiments.

Apparently, the most classical sex experiment was conducted decades ago. It went like this: They would select a very attractive male university student and a very attractive female university student. Then each would go around the campus propositioning other students with a line that went something like: "I think you are very cute... would you like to sleep with me tonight?"

When the pretty girl asked this question 99% of the boys said: "Yes".
When the handsome young man asked, the women ALWAYS said: "No".

This experiment has been conducted at universities in different countries and the results are always the same.

The BBC program then showed the power of "bling". The Professor mentioned that apparently, watches, nice clothes, cars, etc ... are sex magnets for women. To us men, it might not look that way... and we can't understand the value... but... he proved it.

They went to LA and they arranged for 3 very attractive women to judge the Professor. First, they dressed him up so he looked really poor and they placed him at a table near the women. They asked the women what they thought of him and the result was disgust... absolutely nothing positive about the "poor guy".

Then they went and gave him a make-over. They bought him a nice suit, new shoes, gave him a nice haircut, bought a nice watch and finally, they had him drive up in a Bentley and he got out next to these SAME WOMEN.

They then asked these women what they thought of him. And these same women, not recognising the same man, were now full of utter praise for him!

So apprently... those Armani suits, watches, cars, etc... DO WORK.

They went to a club in LA which was exclusively for women who wanted to date ONLY MILLIONAIRES. The woman running the club explained that there are lots of very successful men. They're worth millions... they can close the deal, but they can't get the girl.

The women who wanted to date these millionaires were questioned about this. One very attractive, mature woman said: "You can't have children without money". Another woman said, "No matter what a guy looks like, if he says: Get on my jet and lets fly to New York for dinner... he starts coming across like a PRINCE!"

So it is interesting in these shallow times how much women are affected by the way men dress just as men are completely affected by the way women dress and the makeup they wear.

In fact, if you will look closely you'll see that a lot of modern stars and famous people are really quite geeky and could easily be the "girl (or boy) next door". Many of them aren't even really good looking at all. The girl in your office is probably more naturally beautiful than most of the super-stars - but she just doesn't have all those make-overs, consultants and surgeons.

But I suppose dressing up is important because its not you who is looking at yourself. Most of the time you don't see yourself except on the odd occasion in a mirror ... but other people are looking at you: ALL THE TIME... So there is value in how you present yourself.

Another interesting experiment is this one:-
They did experiments with blind dating to see whether agreeing or disagreeing with a woman made you more attractive to her. When a man agreed with EVERYTHING a woman said, she found him only very slightly more attractive than when he disagreed with EVERYTHING she said. But... if a man disagreed with a woman for a long time and then switched to agreeing with her, she perceived that she had "won" and his attractiveness to her skyrocketed. In fact, the longer he disagreed with her, before switching to agreeing, the MORE ATTRACTIVE he appeared to her!

The comedian Chris Rock does a hillarious skit about commitment. He tells you that the moment you have a girlfriend that you're steady with, suddenly, other women come to you with the freakiest sex proposals. Its all done in sheer humour of course and is very naughty... but he makes the comment: "When you were single you never got these types of phone calls".

Apparently there are lots of scientific studies that prove this:-
Women are more attracted to a man who has already been pre-selected by another woman. In fact, the more women like him, the more attractive he is to others. Once a woman has selected a man, other women start moving in on him. This fact is indisputable.

One friend of mine and I discussed what I called "The Female Intelligence System". This thing is real... and I know its power. It is absolutely scary if a man makes the wrong move. Women are constantly sharing "intelligence" (skinner/gossip) on men. The power of this system is really scary. Women can cut a man off from other women if they take a collective dislike to him. Essentially, women can block you from sex and reproduction if you annoy them enough. Women who might have liked you will shun you based on what the FIS passes on to them. And this SYSTEM exists... EVERYWHERE... from the smallest village to the biggest city.

But this intelligence system can be defeated, and turned to your advantage as follows:
If you want a woman to like you, don't be nice to HER. Be nice to HER FRIEND or someone she knows. The more attractive a woman is, the less you must concern yourself with HER. Concern yourself with the women around her. Go and have coffee with an unattractive friend of hers. Don't ask her for coffee. The more attractive a woman is, the less she trusts you directly - so to impress her treat other people and animals well. If she has a dog - treat the dog well. DON'T BE NICE TO HER. That will put her guard up. Be nice to someone else so that she hears about it.

Also, women feel safer in groups. It is easier to get closer to women in a group than one on one.

One bit of advice I once read from a man was this:
Watch how your date treats the WAITER. I used that. I once was on a date with a woman who was nice to me but she treated the waiter like dirt and she was constantly moaning. I realised that this is probably what she is like all the time. Women use this same principle on us. They watch how we treat others - especially other women.

What this shows is that even in this "modern" world, women are very insecure and totally suspicious and so they use each other as barometers because men in their turn are also totally deceptive. No matter how many barriers women put up... at the end of the day, men want to mate and men will go the extra mile to break through that barrier too - and they do. And the cunning with which some men do it these days is simply staggering. Nowadays you get more and more men coaching other men on how to pick up women and how to date them.

It is essential that the men do succeed. A friend of mine said to me: "We are the children of the men who got laid." That's something to remember. One could say: "We are the children of the men and women who got laid - to be more accurate".

All this is very interesting and it has very interesting applications. In a world increasingly dominated by women, this could work in the favour of men. Men could start using their sexual powers and psychological powers to turn the tables on women.

There is one ace that men have, that women will never have... and in the end, men are always the more dangerous of the two sexes... but I will desist from telling you what this ace is. It is too important... and it is a natural part of the male psychological makeup. In fact, men have more than one ace which eventually makes them dominate societies... but again, I will desist from mentioning what it is.

In ancient times men were the source of most power and women tended to tag along. People think that thousands of years later things have changed. The reality is... its not changed at all.

Men carry far more clout than they realise. The problem with men is that they do not exploit all the aces they have. Men are so emotionally backward (except for some) that they largely do not understand how to gain the upperhand. And almost all men have forgotten the true extent of their real power when they work together.

I must say, I am impressed more and more with the men who penetrate into some of these areas. Men will win back their share of the world... make no mistake.

Even women, deep down, want men to rule the world.

When the men win again, the women will be utterly delighted and will just want to dive into bed with them and have babies with them. That's what women do... they sleep with the men who win and then they too are utterly happy.

This is the one war, where victory for one side ends up being a victory for both!!! (It is followed by screams of joy and many babies...)
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
(George Orwell)


Summertime heat is an annoyance to some people, but according to Xu Qian, director of the infectious diseases department at the China-Japan Frienship Hospital in Beijing, sweating from the hot, summer heat is a natural part of keeping your body healthy, and avoiding this heat can actually cause health problems.

People typically run their air conditioners throughout the summertime in order to beat the heat, but doing so can actually compromise the immune system.

"People should go with the rules of nature. Summer is the time to sweat. It's a natural process for the body to respond to the outside environment, and adjust itself through the constricting of blood vessels and nerves. In this sense, air conditioning is a reactive restrain of the body against nature," Qian explained in a China Daily article.

Excessive sweating without replenishing the body with water, electrolytes and healthy salt, can be a bad thing, but not sweating at all can be even worse. And moving from hot areas to cold areas, and vice versa, on a regular basis throughout the summer can put excessive strain on a person's health

"Air conditioning might induce infection of the upper respiratory tract, cause colds, throat pain, pharyngitis, and even pneumonia," said Qian.

Sweating is also an important method by which the skin helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

"One of [the skin's] functions is to eliminate a portion of the body's toxic waste products through sweating," explains Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, in her book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

This was put together by an old homesteader friend of mine who spent years in the bush raising his family and such. He is 69 and still gardens all day, he is turning my old farm into a virtual Amazon of useful plants. here goes, print it out and give it to anyone who needs it, or will need.

Keys to a Successful Garden (by P. Light via email)

The secret to a successful garden is paying attention to details. There are a major details and minor details. The major details are elementary and individually essential. The outcome of the overall garden rises or falls on any one of them. The minor details, taken together, determine whether a garden is merely adequate, or truly exceptional.

Major Details

1. Food – lots of it!! Feed the soil, not the plants. Much, much organic matter: manure, compost, mulch, organic supplements.

2. PH – correct acidity / alkalinity balance, or the plants will not be able to utilize the food properly.

3. Water – I suspect the principle reason for poor gardens is allowing freshly germinated seeds and tiny seedlings to dry out. One hour of bone-dry soil will probably doom most tiny plants. Start again! During hot spring days, soil must be checked by hand every few hours, unless properly mulched. Plentiful water throughout the growing season, with a few exceptions, will produce large lush plants, other factors being equal. Water deeply!

4. Sunlight – Many vegetables tolerate or thrive in varying degrees of shade, but many don’t. These latter could use 14 hours of direct sun a day for top performance. They’ll do okay with 9 hours, probably not with 6 hours. Four hours minimum direct Fall / Winter sun is necessary for winter gardening.

5. Mulch – mulch, mulch. Pile it on!! All the time!! Main ongoing garden task. Sawdust, grass, hay, straw, leaves, needles, seaweed, compost, manure, more leaves.

6. Never set foot on the garden soil. Make raised beds, or treat the whole garden like a raised bed. Keep the soil light, soft, fluffy, springy. Walk on boards, planks or footpads.

7. Time spent in the garden, cruising, looking, paying attention to the growing plants, particularly in the beginning, when a “stitch in time saves nine” and daily and even hourly checking is often necessary.


1. Use organic supplements., particularly before soil has reached top fertility. Bloodmeal for nitrogen, rock phosphate or bonemeal for phosphorus and sifted wood ashes for potassium and raising PH. Too much bloodmeal can burn plants and create a nitrogen imbalance. Too much wood ashes can make the soil too alkaline.

2. Keep nitrogen level relatively low for a few vegetables, mainly peas and beans.

3. Learn specific cultural directions for specific vegetables.

4. Use good seeds, select suitable varieties, persue the seed catalogues.

5. Pre-soak and sprout the seed of certain vegetables. Select vigorous germinators.

6. Germinate seeds at optimum temperature. Use a thermometer to check soil.

7. Sow in extra fine soil filling small furrow.

8. Don’t plant too deeply.

9. Don’t press down. Rather, water to settle soil around seed.

10. Use fish fertilizer or manure tea when planting, and when seedlings are small. Mix stronger than indicated.

11. Cover seed to half the correct depth with soil, then a layer of sawdust mulch, to prevent crusting of soil.

12. Lay clear or black plastic over seeded rows to raise soil temperature and regulate soil moisture for extra early plantings of all vegetables and early plantings of warm weather crops, or a few days before planting to pre-warm the soil; and lay old sacking cardboard over seeded row, to lower temperatures and, particularly, retain soil moisture for later plantings of cool weather crops.

13. Sprinkle sawdust mulch down over just-emerged seedlings.

14. Mulch 1-2” along rows of seedlings 1-2’ high. Mulch right up to and around stems, after removing small weeds right in row.

15. Thin and weed early and conscientiously.

16. Select and leave best seedlings when thinning.

17. Thin progressively – first to 1”, later to 3”, then to 6”, etc., as leaves begin to touch.

18. Grow plants close, but not crowded. Plants like to touch. A canopy suppresses weeds, conserves moisture, provides home for snakes and toads, etc. Overcrowding stunts plants, prevents air circulation and leads to disease.

19. Transplant very carefully and step-by-step correctly. (See “Steps to Transplanting”.

20. Side-dress heavy feeders during growing period with rotted, half rotted, or fresh manure, or organic supplements. Don’t let fresh manure touch plants.

21. Practice companion planting. Mix things up. Create micro-climates. Some plants do well in the shade of other plants. Some may aid growth of others. Some may protect others from pests. Plants with different growth habits (deep-rooted / shallow-rooted, spreading / upright) can be planted much closer together. Heavy nitrogen users like to be close to nitrogen fixers. Slow and fast growers can occupy same space – one is out of ground when they start crowding.

22. Seeds or transplants can be interplanted between rows of vegetables soon to be harvested, receiving protection from hot summer sun during their infancies. Particularly helpful when there is no immediate space available for a late drop.

23. Practice succession planting with many vegetables. A few at a time, to stretch out harvest time for weeks or months. This can also be achieved with different varieties of the same vegetables.

24. Practice anticipation, prevention, and early control of “pests”.

25. Keep records. Particularly note variety, planting date, location, special treatments, etc. Planting dates are particularly important for late crops for Fall and Winter. Timing is tricky. Learn by trial and error for particular garden site.

26. The best garden I ever had grew up listening to mainly classical eastern music. It’s worth trying, and sounds beautiful outside floating over the green!!

27. Make it beautiful! Stand back from your work! Look at the over-all. Check design, form, balance, colour, shape. It’s a big canvas. Fill it well. It’s kinetic architecture. Lay the foundations with care.

Happy Gardening