Friday, March 5, 2010

From My Good Friend Who Knows What She Is Talking About.

Cancer is feed by protein, sugars and excess hormones......

I’m not one that normally raises controversial issues. I’m the one that stands in the corner and smiles and allows everyone the freedom to have their own opinion, sometimes tossing in a tidbit of my own, but I tend to try to keep peace at all costs. I guess life-changing situations sometimes change us and draw us out of our shells, but the truth of the matter is, I’m PISSED and I’m not going to keep quiet about it….

Maybe I’ve just reached the “Anger” stage of my mourning process with the recent loss of my parents. Nevertheless, I apologize in advance for the diatribe I’m about to unleash on you, my unwitting audience.

For those of you that are unaware, I lost my mother last October to a ten year battle with breast cancer. Two weeks after we buried her, Dad was diagnosed with Oral Cancer. He met with a surgeon on November 3rd, who scheduled him to have the spot, which was the size of a quarter, removed on December 1st. By the time he went in for surgery, the cancer had taken over most of his throat, and part of his palate, cheek and gums.

Considering the location of his cancer, eating was a painful experience during November. By the middle of the month the doctors recommended Dad try to eat, but at the same time supplement his diet with Ensure in order to maintain his “protein and calorie intake”. The doctors were able to remove all of his cancer, but wanted him to start radiation therapy in mid-January to ward off any reoccurrence. After his surgery, he had a feeding tube that we were expected to use to keep up this Ensure diet. To make a long story short, Dad was dead six weeks later due to the very aggressive growth of oral cancer that blocked off his airway.

So why my anger?

The early lab experiments performed by and later recorded in The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell, involved two groups of rats that were injected with aflatoxin, a highly potent carcinogenic mold that, when ingested, causes liver cancer. Half the rats were fed a diet that would have the same amount of animal protein we would find in the typical American diet – 20% protein. The other rats were fed a diet low in animal protein – 5%. They were re-creating a study that had been done by researchers in India that had some pretty astonishing results. The outcomes of Dr. Campbell’s experiments were the same as those of the Indian scientists. 100% of the rats that were fed a diet high in animal protein got liver cancer, while 0% of the animals fed the low protein diets got cancer. They were astounded at the results. 100% vs. 0%!!!

They didn’t stop there. The next set of experiments used plant proteins (gluten, the protein found in wheat) rather than animal proteins. The results? Plant proteins did not promote cancer growth even at higher levels of intake (20%)!

From there they started switching the animals back and forth from high protein to low protein and back again. In essence, “Dietary protein proved to be so powerful in its effect that we could turn on and turn off cancer growth simply by changing the level consumed.”*

Over the next several years they switched things around from rats to mice, two separate species, four different carcinogens in varying amounts, two different organs with two different cancers and had the same results. “The results of these, and many other, studies, showed nutrition to be far more important in controlling cancer promotion than the dose of the initiating carcinogen.”* In other words, it didn’t matter how much carcinogen the experimental animals received, as long as they were receiving the proper nutrients the cancers were controlled. Nutrients from animal-based foods increased tumor development while nutrients from plant-based foods decreased tumor development.

The later research in China confirmed the studies applied to humans as well. More about that on another day.

So, why my anger?

This information is not new. These experiments took place in the 1970’s – almost 40 years ago! Why hasn’t it been made public? How many lives have been unnecessarily lost to cancer in the last 40 years? I am outraged when I think about that, but you know what pisses me off even more?

Guess what they used as an animal protein for their experiments? Casein, the protein found in cow’s milk. Guess what protein they use in Ensure, a product brought to us by Abbott, a pharmaceutical company? Casein. Do you think, possibly, a pharmaceutical company has something to gain by feeding a product known to feed the growth of cancer to someone that’s already been diagnosed and is trying their best to fight this wicked disease?

I won’t stop there. Do you know what people get added to their Ensure diets in order to make the stuff palatable that the lab animals didn’t have the pleasure of receiving? The main ingredient in Ensure is water, then sugar. A substance known to directly feed tumors. A PET Scan works by pumping glucose (sugar water) through an IV into someone that has been fasting overnight. An hour later their body is scanned. The pictures that come through the machine show the areas of the body that attracted the glucose, called Hot Spots. Those areas are possible tumors because they attracted the glucose. Each can of Ensure Plus that my dad drank contained 20 grams of sugar – that’s four teaspoons per can. It was suggested that he drink five cans a day. That’s 20 unnecessary teaspoons of sugar he was feeding his cancer everyday!

I don’t know of a single person battling with cancer who, at some point, didn’t have it recommended that they supplement their diet with Ensure.

There are alternatives!!! Oh, the battles I fought with the different dieticians we encountered. Even through Dad’s feeding tube I could have given him what they call a “blenderized diet” of healthy, whole foods and he would probably still be here today. But he and Mom were both afraid to do anything against the mainstream medical mindset. Everything focused on proteins (read animal) and calories. We finally found a wonderful dietician that would work with us in KU’s Radiation Oncology unit. I was so excited. We were going to come up with a plan together that other patients could benefit from as well. Unfortunately Dad died a couple of days later. Cause of death: Rapid cancer growth due to Ensure.

*The China Study; T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II.

Copyright 2004, First Edition January 2005.

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